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Mission Vision Beliefs

Understanding Our Purpose.

Our Mission

The mission of the Tuscaloosa City Schools is to create and support a culture of high expectations for each and every student to achieve personal, academic and career excellence.

Our Vision

The vision of the Tuscaloosa City Schools is to be a premier, innovative school system where each and every student graduates and is fully prepared for life and career success.

Belief Statements

  • We believe it is critical to maintain a climate of two-way communication and trust with stakeholders.
  • We believe we must foster a systemwide culture of innovation.
  • We believe we must maintain an inclusive environment and high expectations.
  • We believe every student should thrive in our system.
  • We believe we must continually improve academic achievement and enrichment through quality instruction for all students.
  • We believe every Tuscaloosa City Schools employee is an asset in ensuring the success of every student.
  • We believe we must hold ourselves accountable for the success of the Tuscaloosa City Schools and its students.