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Strategic Plan

A Plan for the Future


The work of the Tuscaloosa City Schools is focused on doing what’s best for each and every student. Each. And. Every. It’s a phrase often said, but not necessarily considered deeply. What that means in TCS is that we are looking to develop programs that offer access to all students while making sure we are connecting  students with opportunities that fit their needs and challenge them to grow.

During the past year, stakeholders of all backgrounds have worked to update our strategic plan. This document represents a roadmap to how we will create a more dynamic learning environment that benefits all students in the Tuscaloosa City Schools over the next five years. What you will see is that this strategic plan is aligned with our budget. In other words, we are putting our money where our mouth is.

We invite you to learn how we will work to improve in four areas ─ what we call our pillars: Student Success with Equity and Access; Stakeholder Engagement; Safe and Supportive Learning Environment; and Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency.               

Hover over each image to select each area of the Strategic Plan to see how we are improving in these areas.


Student Success with Equity and Access

Student Success with
Equity and Access


Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement


Safe and Supportive Learning Environment

Safe and Supportive
Learning Environment


Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency 

Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency