Organizational Effectiveness & Efficiency
If we optimize organizational effectiveness and efficiency, then we will amplify our impact on mission-critical work.
Objective: Focus resources on student learning by utilizing a comprehensive performance management system that ensures efficient, cost-effective, and transparency in operations and accountability of the education system at all levels.
This strategic theme focuses on four critical initiatives. The Tuscaloosa City Schools' strategic plan 2.0 is developed in concert with Cognia. By definition, a critical initiative is are evidence-based practices that:
- guide the implementation of actions to achieve objectives
- are sometimes referred to as a strategy
- can be multiple per objective
- are written “high level”
- are evaluated for their effectiveness
- answers “what we’ll do…”
Critical Initiatives
- Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
- Staff Development
- Child Nutrition Program
- Staff Recruitment
- Staff Retention
- Custodial Services
- Enhanced Facilities
- Technology Enhancements
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
TCS will develop and implement a school cluster and systemwide Professional Learning Community (PLC).
Intended Outcome: Build capacity within schools in order to increase student achievement and improve instructional practices.
Key Measure: Documentation of active PLC process in all schools.
Activity 1: Participate in professional development designed to deepen
understanding of the PLC concepts.
Person responsible: Principals, Central Support Team
Progress monitor: Dr. James Pope
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $25,000 for PLC books for all certified staff members and
Funding for consultants; Title II
Activity measure: Quarterly benchmarks; surveys from training; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Mike Daria
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 2: Implement the PLC learning cycle in each school.
Person responsible: Principals & Teaching & Learning Team Members
Progress monitor: Dr. James Pope
Status: In Progress
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Evidence of artifacts that demonstrate learning progression; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Mike Daria
Department: Teaching & Learning
Staff Development
TCS will provide ongoing support of all employees through performance-based training that ensures their knowledge and skills remain relevant, up-to-date, and compatible with changing trends in education.
Intended Outcome: Improve the competency and performance of employees throughout their career
Key Measure: Performance evaluations
Activity 1: Increase custodian knowledge, leadership and flexibility.
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra and Lead Custodians
Progress Monitor: Edward Smith III, Randy Tyra, Lead Custodians
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $100,000 for Funding for training ( $8,000/year), (3ea) Vans for Leads ( $60,000), Head Custodians In-Schools ($18,000/year), Night Shift Differential ($15,000/year); General Fund
Activity Measure: Training Rosters & Certification Badges; 2021-2022.
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 2: Increase maintenance knowledge, leadership and cross-training in a diverse service oriented environment.
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra, Lead Personnel & Darran Prewitt
Progress Monitor: Randy Tyra
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $20,000 each year for training (Plumbing, Electrical, HVAC, Carpentry, Warehouse, and Grounds, Administration, Bookkeeping; General Fund/Capital Funds
Activity Measure: Training Rosters; Certificates of Completion; 2021-2022.
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 3: Increase service support of maintenance personnel in schools.
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra and Lead Personnel
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $350,000 for Vehicles
Activity Measure: Reduced vehicle repairs, Increased productivity data, Employee satisfaction survey data; May 2022
Project Monitor: Edward Smith
Department: Facilities
Activity 4: Support the development of novice school administrators as instructional leaders and increase principal retention, contributing to greater stability in school reform efforts over time.
Person responsible: Dr. Deron Cameron
Progress monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Status: In progress
Required resources: $5,000 for books & conferences; Local Funds and Title II
Activity measure: Monthly meetings agendas & rosters with mentor/mentees, Quarterly meeting agendas with CO executive staff, retention data analysis, log of required meetings/contacts, Feeder Group Meetings, Lunch & Learn, NAESP Principal Mentor; February 2021 & ongoing
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations/Superintendent
Activity 5: Strengthen the development of future school administrators through the TCS Future Instructional Leaders Academy (FILA) preparation program.
Person responsible: Dr. Deron Cameron and FILA Coordinator
Progress monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Status: In progress
Required resources: $75,000 for resources to include principal mentor stipends, CLAS Aspiring Administrator Conference, COMP training, substitutes; Title II funds
Activity measure: Sign-in sheets, training agendas, Capstone Project, new cohort every 18 months; May 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 6: Provide nurses with opportunities for annual renewal membership in State and National Professional Organizations and funding for up to date Professional Development at the Local, State and National Level.
Person Responsible: Sharon Dickerson, RN
Progress monitor: Sharon Dickerson, RN
Status: In progress
Required resources: $10,000 for registration fees; and $25,000 for travel accommodations; Local Funds/Title II
Activity Measure: Active Membership Data in professional organizations; July 2021 and ongoing
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 7: Increase faculty knowledge and awareness on health-related topics.
Person responsible: School Nurses
Progress monitor: Sharon Dickerson, RN
Status: In progress
Required resources: ALSDE and Alabama Board of Nursing Directives, Canvas or equivalent educational training program $20,000: Funding for CommunityTraining Resources estimated $10,000, Funding for Professional Development Seminars/Webinars/Professional organizational meetings, and stipends to cover substitutes and travel expenses; Local Funds
Activity measure: Training rosters, Agendas, Canvas employee reports, Certificate of Attendance records; August 2022
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 8: Provide Social Workers and Social Work Interns social emotional training, trauma training, and best practices in working with students and their families.
Person Responsible: Social Workers
Progress Monitor: Audrey Ellis
Status: In progress
Require Resources: $5,000 for professional development; Title II
Activity Measure: Training Rosters, Agendas, Continuing Education Credits
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 9: Explore on-line, multidisciplinary faculty training program (to replace Canvas).
Person responsible: Sharon Dickerson, RN and Chris Jenks
Progress monitor: Chris Jenks and IT team
Status: Not started
Required resources: $40,000 for Year 1 and $30,000 for Years 2-5 for alternative training program if canvas is replaced. Training resources for local users; Local General Funds
Activity measure: Contract for new training platform, rosters for implementation training on platform; training analytics from platform; 2021-2022
Project Monitor: Chris Jenks
Department: Technology
Activity 10: Support the implementation of a balanced and comprehensive counseling program that is data-driven and responsive to student needs through regularly scheduled Professional Learning Community meetings facilitated by the district Counseling Administrator and leveled lead counselors.
Person responsible: Jeff Beasley and Lead Counselors
Progress monitor: Jeff Beasley
Status: In progress
Required resources: $6,000 for Supplements for Lead Counselors; Local Funds
Activity measure: Use of Time Calculators submitted each semester and Monthly reports; 2020-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 11: Provide first year counselors with a strong start in professional development through participation in the Alabama Counseling Association Annual Conference.
Person responsible: Jeff Beasley
Progress monitor: Local School Principal
Status: In progress
Required resources: $10,000 Funds for conferences; Title II
Activity measure: Professional Development Certificates received as well as turn around training rosters, Active Counselor Professional Learning Community; January 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 12: Support the continued growth of a balanced and comprehensive counseling program that is data-driven and responsive to student needs through participation of a minimum of three counselors annually attending the American School Counseling Association National Conference.
Person responsible: Jeff Beasley
Progress monitor: Lead Counselors
Status: In progress
Required resources: $10,000 Funds for conferences; Local Funds/Title II
Activity measure: Professional Development Certificate received as well as sharing information through the Counselor Professional Learning Community; August 2020-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 13: Support the development of accomplished teaching through a comprehensive National Board Certification support program.
Person responsible: National Board leadership team
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: In progress
Required resources: Funds for component registration, candidate support providers, associated fees. $50k per year, Local Funds
Activity measure: Annual report
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Child Nutrition Program
TCS Child Nutrition Program (CNP) will develop a five-year enhancement plan to include professional development of staff and enhance the quality of food.
Intended Outcome: To develop managerial leadership skills and improve food quality
Key Measure: Increase the number of employees promoted to available CNP management positions; quality food survey results; increase in number of meals served.
Activity 1: Establish Future CNP Managers cohort to prepare CNP staff for management positions.
Person responsible: LaSonia Conway, current CNP Managers
Progress monitor: Van Nichols
Status: Not started
Required resources: $25,000 for training, professional development, and mentor stipends; CNP Funds
Activity measure: training and job shadowing completion logs, evidence of time spent in managerial role during summer feeding program; October 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 2: Create a test kitchen to enhance the quality of food, improve food preparation/cooking techniques, and provide training in the area of management.
Person responsible: LaSonia Conway, current CNP Managers
Progress monitor: Van Nichols
Status: In progress
Required resources: $10,000 for professional development; CNP Funds
Activity measure: training rosters, student surveys; increased meal data; May 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 3: Produce dietary literature to address food nutrition facts of meals
offered and served.
Person responsible: LaSonia Conway, current CNP Managers
Progress monitor: Van Nichols
Status: Not started
Required resources: $20,000 for Software and professional development; CNP Funds
Activity measure: Training rosters, student and stakeholder feedback via surveys; August 2022
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Staff Recruitment
TCS will increase recruitment success with the number of highly qualified, highly recommended candidates.
Intended Outcome: Increased recruitment success for all departments.
Key Measure: Increased number of staff compared to previous school year data.
Activity 1: Invest in additional recruitment strategies using a variety of tools including multi-media channels and sign-on bonus to attract candidates to TCS.
Person responsible: Pam Scott
Progress monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Status: In progress
Required resources: $10,000 advertising & recruitment supplies and travel; $10,000 for sign-on bonus; General Fund
Activity measure: Number of vacant positions at the beginning of the school year; retention rate, August 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 2: Enhance the TCS teacher ambassadors program to recruit candidates.
Person responsible: Pam Scott & Lesley Bruinton
Progress monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Status: In progress
Required resources: $4,000 for substitutes to attend recruitment fairs; General Fund
Activity measure: Feedback from job fairs and candidates; social media traffic; August 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 3: Develop a virtual on-boarding process for hiring new employees.
Person responsible: Melissa Wilson/Lynne Wright
Progress monitor: Pam Scott
Status: In progress
Required resources: $5,000 software and computers; General Fund
Activity measure: Certification Certificates of 95% of new hires complete virtual on-boarding process each school year; August 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 4: Recruit Highly Qualified Professional Registered Nurses as the standard for the “school nurse.”
Person responsible: Sharon Dickerson, RN
Progress monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $150,000 Funds for hiring RN certified staff, recruiting supplies, travel, and advertising to include $7,500 sign on bonus, Salary Schedule
Activity measure: Increased percentage of School nurses hired at TCS with RN degrees compared to previous school year; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Cameron & Dr. Sherrod
Department: Human Resources
Activity 5: Provide incentives to attract and retain quality nurses to meet the acuity demands of our system’s children.
Person responsible: Sharon Dickerson, RN & Pam Scott
Progress monitor: Deron Cameron
Status: Not Started
Required resources: Funding for incentives: Sign on bonus totals $10,000, No > 3 days absence for a quarter bonus = up to $10,000.
Marketing & advertising = $5,000; Local Funds
Activity measure: In the next 5 years, as the budget permits, offer incentives to prevent the turnover rate of school nurses and attract a larger pool of highly qualified school nurse applicants; August 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron and Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports, Health Services and Human Resources
Activity 6: Research and develop a potential RN Health Informatics position.
Person responsible: Nurses, HR, Chris Jenks, & Dr. Deron Cameron
Progress monitor: Sharon Dickerson, RN
Status: Not Started
Required resources: Funds for new position and training - $65,000-$75,000 annual salary; Local Funds
Activity measure: Error free data reports and tracking reports; Training rosters; July 2022-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod & Chris Jenks
Department: Learning Supports & Technology
Activity 7: Research and revise Nursing Department to include up to a Director of Nursing, RN Supervisors Coordinators, and School Based RN’s.
Person responsible: Sharon Dickerson, RN
Progress monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod & Dr. Deron Cameron
Status: Not Started
Required Resources: $40,000 for new titles that result in promotions; Local Funds
Activity measure: Revised & Board Approved Organizational Chart; August 2022
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod & Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Learning Supports & Human Resources
Activity 8: Hire 5 additional LMSW or LICSW Social Workers for Arcadia and University Place, Bryant, Northridge High, Northridge Middle, and an ESL Social Worker.
Person responsible: Audrey Ellis
Progress monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $400,000 for additional social workers at $82,000 each with benefits included; Local Funds
Activity measure: By 2021-2022 hire an additional ESL Social Worker and replace social worker for Arcadia and University Place who became the Mental Health Social Worker
By School Year 2022-2023- provide Bryant and Northridge their own social worker since they have 1000 + student population.
By School Year 2023-2024- provide Northridge Middle their own social worker with over 800 students and two self-contained classes.
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Staff Retention
TCS will provide employees with support services for personal well-being.
Intended Outcome: Retain excellent educators to prepare diverse students with
complex needs to be college and career ready.
Key Measure: Schools and system teacher retention rate will improve compared to the previous school year.
Activity 1: Develop a plan for teacher and staff mental health and personal wellness to include personalized coaching, group meetings, and webpage.
Person responsible: Pam Scott
Progress monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Status: In progress
Required resources: $90,000 for Trainings-applications-coaching sessions; General Funds
Activity measure: Weekly wellness checks by supervisors, training agendas and rosters, monthly work-life balance sessions provided by mental health counselor, personalized coaching, webpage traffic, Mentor/Mentee Meetings; May 2021.
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 2: Develop a virtual benefits fair designed to help TCS communicate and explain the benefits provided to staff at scale through an interactive online environment.
Person responsible: Melissa Wilson & Lynne Wright
Progress monitor: Pam Scott
Status: Not started
Required resources: $5,000 for software applications, Local Funds
Activity measure: Benefits Fair at every school/worksite-log; October 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Activity 3: Continue to move employee/teacher compensation to competitive rates (currently 3.5% above state salary matrix).
Person responsible: Deron Cameron and Jay Duke
Progress monitor: Deron Cameron
Status: Not started
Required resources: Budget dependent, General Fund
Activity measure: Rate of teacher salary above state matrix; October 2023
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations and Finance
Activity 4: Develop a virtual benefits fair designed to help TCS communicate and explain the benefits provided to staff at scale through an interactive online environment.
Person responsible: Melissa Wilson & Lynne Wright
Progress monitor: Pam Scott
Status: Not started
Required resources: $5,000 for software applications, General Fund
Activity measure: Benefits Fair at every school/worksite-log; October 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron
Department: Human Resources and Operations
Custodial Services
TCS will develop custodial support initiatives that will improve cleanliness, efficiency, and overall maintenance services.
Intended Outcome: Maintain buildings that are clean, safe, and organized
Key Measures: Inspections and data of reduced illnesses.
Activity 1: Enhance training procedures and protocols that increase effectiveness of daily cleaning and sanitation processes.
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra & Lead Custodians
Progress Monitor: Randy Tyra, Lead Custodians
Status: In Progress
Required Resources: $25,000 to purchase equipment, supplies and provide additional training; General Fund
Activity Measure: Inspections, observations; 2021-2022
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 2: Create school cleaning schedules that optimize the effectiveness of custodians work load.
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra, Lead Custodians
Progress Monitor: Randy Tyra
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $5,000 for materials and training space; General Fund
Activity Measure: Production of schedules for all schools; December 2021
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Enhanced Facilities
TCS will improve efficiency of facilities.
Intended Outcome: Improved building maintenance, fiscal management, and energy efficiency all TCS facilities.
Key Measures: Lower utility costs, cost savings, KPIs, and reduced work orders compared to previous school year.
Activity 1: Increase HVAC personnel, partner with HVAC computer based Vendor, train staff on extensive repairs.
Progress Monitor: Randy Tyra
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $23,000 for Additional Non-Exempt Employee: $15,000, Training: $5,000/year, Tools & Computer upgrades: $3,000/year
Activity Measure: Reduced cost, improved conditions; 2020-2021
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 2: Create processes for storage, purchases, and security of receivables.
Person Responsible: Darran Prewitt, Johnny Allen
Progress Monitor: Darran Prewitt & Randy Tyra
Status: In Progress
Required Resources: $60,000 for forklift, Signage & video equipment; Local Funds
Activity Measure: Increase work order production, increased warehouse space, reduced truck rental cost; July 2022-2023
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 3: Develop a comprehensive ten-year plan for preventative facility maintenance in key areas (parking lots, HVAC, roofs, painting, grounds, athletic fields, restrooms).
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra, Lead Positions
Progress Monitor: Randy Tyra
Status: Not Started
Required Resources: Additional Exempt Employee: $15,000 (Internal)
Additional Overtime: $3,000 Non-Exempt; General Fund
Activity Measure: Documents, Capital Plan, Facilities Manual, Budget;
October 2022
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 4: Develop an annual budget and budget control system to ensure strong fiscal practices and budget alignment.
Person Responsible: Edward Smith III, Randy Tyra, Tyran Robinson,
Progress Monitor: Edward Smith III, Tyran Robinson
Status: In Progress
Required Resources: Additional Overtime: $2,000 Non-Exempt; General Fund
Activity Measure: Tracking below budget; **(Emergency Issues); August 2021
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 5: Conduct annual building capacity assessments based on enrollment, projected enrollment and building capacity.
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra, Lead Staff
Progress Monitor: Randy Tyra
Status: Not Started
Required Resources: Additional Overtime: $5,000 - Non Exempt
Activity Measure: Documents, Agendas and rosters from meetings; August 2021
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 6: Create and implement a five-year plan for energy efficiency.
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra, Lead Maintenance Staff
Progress Monitor: Randy Tyra
Status: Not Started
Required Resources: Additional Exempt: ($15,000) Internal
Management, Outside Contractor, Additional Training; General Fund
Activity Measure: Documents, Data showing reduced energy and costs;
January 2022
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 7: Create an administrative dashboard and public-facing dashboard of KPIs for all operations.
Person Responsible: Edward Smith III, Taryn Robinson, Randy Tyra, Darran Prewitt
Progress Monitor: Edward Smith III, Taryn Robinson
Status: Not Started
Required Resources: None
Excel Support, Training, Outside/Inside Expertise
Activity Measure: Documents, Meeting agendas & rosters, Data Dashboard, October 2022.
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 8: Create a Facilities Standard Operations Manual of established processes and procedures that provide guidance to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of job performance.
Person Responsible: Edward Smith III, Randy Tyra, Taryn Robinson, Darran Prewitt
Progress Monitor: Taryn Robinson, Randy Tyra
Status: In progress
Required Resources: Overtime $5,000 (Non Exempt); Local Funds
Activity Measure: Document Progression; October 2022
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Activity 9: Improve internal maintenance operations and services by changing past structure by hiring a Clerk for the Facilities Maintenance Manager
Person Responsible: Randy Tyra
Progress Monitor: Edward Smith III
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $40,000; General Funds
Activity Measures: Written Process; Improved Service Response Time Documentation, Streamline services documentation
Project Monitor: Edward Smith III
Department: Facilities
Technology Enhancements
TCS will improve efficiency of technology services delivered to all stakeholders to support district vision and mission.
Intended Outcome: Improved technology services and efficiency for all TCS facilities.
Key Measures: Reduced work orders, cost savings, and added services compared to previous school year.
Activity 1: Evaluate and improve IT Network infrastructure, facilities, equipment, and performance
Person Responsible: Stephen Appleby & John York
Progress Monitor: Chris Jenks
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $5 million; Local; PSCA; QZAB, E-Rate Funds
Activity Measures: Reduced work orders and survey results.
Project Monitor: Chris Jenks
Department: Technology
Activity 2: Provide appropriate technological equipment and resources to support district vision and mission including instructional and operational functions.
Person Responsible: Chris Jenks
Progress Monitor: Chris Jenks
Status: In progress
Required Resources: $10 million; Local, Federal & State Funds
Activity Measures: Technology Survey Results, Technology Plan
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope & Mr. Jay Duke
Department: Technology