Safe and Supportive Learning Environment
If students are provided a safe and supportive learning environment where social and emotional needs are met, then student learning will be enhanced.
Objective: Provide safe and secure learning spaces to support 21st century learners that will impact and improve student attendance and engagement.
This strategic theme focuses on four critical initiatives. The Tuscaloosa City Schools' strategic plan 2.0 is developed in concert with Cognia. By definition, a critical initiative is are evidence-based practices that:
- guide the implementation of actions to achieve objectives
- are sometimes referred to as a strategy
- can be multiple per objective
- are written “high level”
- are evaluated for their effectiveness
- answers “what we’ll do…”
Critical Initiatives
- Discipline
- Social Emotional Learning (Students)
- Social Emotional Learning (Staff)
- Mental Health Services Coordination
- Safety and Security
- Bus Safety
- Athletics
TCS will provide research-based targeted behavior strategies to administrators and teachers to provide proactive measures related to student behaviors and coping skills.
Intended Outcome: Decrease student infractions
Key Measure: Discipline reports from iNow, Cognos and SIR (Student Incident Report)
Activity 1: Research and develop proactive approaches to inform parents about resources related to non-academic strategies.
Person responsible: Dr. Jessica Constant, Counselors, and Social Workers
Progress monitor: Principals and Assistant Principals, Tramene Maye, Audrey Ellis
Status: In progress
Required resources: $10,000, on-going professional development, student incentives, etc.
Activity measure: Decrease the number of students referred by 10% by the end of each fiscal year for the next five years
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Office of Student Services
Activity 2: Implement Hope Institute or Schools of Character Education program in all schools with additional training for each team.
Person responsible: Dr. Jessica Constant, Mrs. Kay Kay Criss (HOPE Institute), Tamar Nast (Schools of Character)
Progress monitor: School Leadership Teams & Dr. Jessica Constant
Status: In progress
Required resources: $15,000-Title II, HOPE Curriculum and Professional Development;$50,000 per year-Title II, applications, stipends, substitutes, in-state travel, out-of-state travel, purchased services (consultants, etc.) and Schools of Character Curriculum
Activity measure: Increase the number of schools participating in Schools of Character from 13 to 21 schools by the end of 2024.
Increase the number of schools that receive state certification annually by Schools of Character evaluators
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Office of Student Services
Social Emotional Learning (Students)
TCS will provide training for students and staff to acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions, and achieve personal and collective goals.
Intended Outcome: Increase social-emotional competencies of students and staff.
Key Measure: Agenda, Sign-In Sheets from trainings, suicide protocols, student health care plans, early warning referrals and discipline reports.
Social Emotional Learning (Staff)
Research, develop, and implement SEL framework with best practices aligned with CASEL core competencies of self management, self awareness, responsible decision making, relationship skills, and social awareness.
Intended Outcome: 100% of faculty and staff will consistently demonstrate effective planning to ensure critical initiatives are implemented to fidelity.
Key Measure: Agendas, sign-in sheets from training, evaluation sheets from trainings, SEL Assessment and Data Management Program, early warning referrals, discipline reports and SEL completed plan.
Activity 1: Implement Handle With Care program including training of all school personnel on the program.
Person responsible: Youth Services Institute and School Social Workers
Progress monitor: Social Workers and Tuscaloosa Police Department, Northport Police Department and Tuscaloosa Sheriff Department
Status: Not Started
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Training rosters and database of trained personnel. August 2021-December 2024.
Project Monitor: Tesney Davis and Audrey Ellis
Department: Office of Social Services
Activity 2: Research, develop, and conduct trauma training utilizing an evidence-based program for all personnel (i.e., Conscious Discipline’s Understanding Trauma 3-Part webinar).
Person responsible: Social Workers
Progress monitor: Audrey Ellis
Status: In progress
Required resources: $87,000-Title II, site license and substitutes
Activity measure: Training rosters and certificates- August 2021-December 2024
Project Monitor: Tesney Davis
Department: Office of Social Services
Activity 3: Provide Social Emotional Learning training for all personnel.
Person responsible: School Social Workers/CAPS
Progress monitor: School Social Workers/CAPS
Status: Not Started
Required resources: ($113.00 per day)-Title II, substitutes for training
Activity measure: By the end of 2023-2024, all personnel will be trained utilizing Social and Emotional Learning Study Groups and Second Step Adult SEL Training Materials
Project Monitor: Tesney Davis and Audrey Ellis
Department: Office of Social Services
Activity 4: Development and implement a comprehensive plan to improve social and emotional support for McKinney-Vento students by providing training for their parents.
Person responsible: CAPS: Child Abuse Prevention Services
Progress monitor: Ingrid Edwards/CAPS: Child Abuse Prevention Services
Status: Not started
Required resources: $7,000-Homeless grant, training materials and consultants
Activity measure: Completed plan; agendas, sign in sheets from training; August 2021
Project Monitor: Ingrid Edwards and Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Activity 5: Create a digital space for teachers to share artifacts of implementation of CASEL’s evidence-based practices that involve students in their social-emotional learning.
Person responsible: SEL Team
Progress monitor: Tesney Davis & Audrey Ellis
Status: Not started
Required resources: Time
Activity measure: Artifacts from teachers; 2021-2022 school year
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope & Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Teaching and Learning
Mental Health Services Coordination
TCS will develop a comprehensive, coordinated mental health prevention and intervention plan for all students and staff.
Intended Outcome: Improve overall mental health awareness and knowledge base of students and staff.
Key Measure: Meeting agendas, sign in sheets, completed plan
Activity 1: Conduct research-backed surveys in order to support student and staff
Mental health awareness and intervention.
Person responsible: School Counselors and School Social Workers
Progress monitor: Principals and Assistant Principals
Status: Not started
Required resources: Comprehensive social-emotional assessment and data management platform (this tool supports both mental health and SEL); ESSER II & III Funding- $150,000, $5,650- ALSDE Grant
Activity measure: By the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, a SEL measurement tool will be implemented and social-emotional data will be available by the end of the 2021-2022 school year. Data will drive 3-tiered support and referrals to support mental health needs.
Project Monitor: Tesney Davis and Audrey Ellis
Department: Office of Social Services
Activity 2: Enhance the TCS district pyramid of interventions to address behavioral and mental health concerns.
Person responsible: Response to Intervention Team
Progress monitor: Principals and Assistant Principals
Status: In progress
Required resources: Covered under Activity 1-data tool will include tiered intervention plans and activities. Additional $10,000-Title II, materials and supplies related to materials and professional development
Activity measure: By the beginning of the 2021-22 school year, all schools across the district will implement emotional, behavioral, and mental health support strategies into their three-tiered response to intervention programs.
Project Monitor: Tesney Davis and Audrey Ellis
Department: Office of Social Services
Activity 3: Provide awareness and support of mental health initiatives with parents, community organizations, and the judicial system.
Person responsible: School Counselors and School Social Workers
Progress monitor: Audrey Ellis and Jeff Beasley
Status: In progress
Required resources: Surveys and data covered under Activity 1 SEL data management tool. Additional $5000-Title II and At-risk funds, meeting supplies, training supplies, organization dues, registration fees
Activity measure: Meeting agendas, sign in sheets, certificates of attendance, data from community stakeholder surveys, and TCS website; 2021-December 2024
Project Monitor: Tesney Davis
Department: Office of Social Services
Activity 4: Secure funding for additional guidance support for elementary schools to allow counselors more time for mental health support.
Person responsible: Jeff Beasley
Progress monitor: Jeff Beasley & Tesney Davis
Status: Not Started
Required resources: Funding additional personnel; funding dependent
Activity Measure: Evidence of funding secured
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope & Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Teaching & Learning and Learning Supports
Activity 5: Provide Youth Mental Health First Aid Training to all personnel.
Person responsible: Tesney Davis & Dr. Bruce Prescott
Progress monitor: Audrey Ellis
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $200,000-Title IV, substitutes, stipends and Youth Mental Health First Aid training materials
Activity measure: By the end of 2023-2024 school year, all personnel will be trained, and ongoing training will be provided as new personnel are hired/trained employees are up for recertification. Database of training certificates and recertification dates.
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod/Dr. James Pope
Department: Learning Support and Teaching and Learning
Safety and Security
TCS will research, enhance and provide training to effectively address the safety and security needs of students and staff.
Intended Outcome: Provide staff with training on current emergency procedures that will prove useful in the event of a major catastrophic event
Key Measure: Rosters from trainings
Activity 1: Collaborate with Tuscaloosa Police Department to provide training on the school safety platform for all SRO officers.
Person responsible: Maurice Heard, Tuscaloosa Police Department
Progress monitor: Henry McCaskil, SRO Supervisor
Status: In progress
Required resources: $3000-Title II, professional development
Activity measure: Train current SROs and provide training as new personnel is hired; December 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 2: Enhance awareness, reporting options and threat and self-harm assessment process for students to reduce the risk of suicide or workplace violence by employees, volunteers, guardians or other adults.
Person responsible: Principals, Assistants Principals, CST Members
Progress monitor: Audrey Ellis
Status: In progress
Required resources: $100,000 for software platforms (i.e., Gaggle, Rapture, and Let’s Talk); Local Funds
Activity measure: Daily and monthly reports from Gaggle, Rapture and Let’s Talk
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 3: Establish a full time position to provide oversight for safety, security and emergency preparedness.
Person responsible: Dr. Deron Cameron
Progress monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Status: Not started
Required resources: $100,000 for salary & benefits; ALSDE, General Funds
Activity measure: Safety Inspection Data; nSide Compliance; 2023-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Deron Cameron & Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 4: Provide cybersecurity practices training for all staff.
Person responsible: Director of Technology
Progress monitor: Technology Team
Status: In progress
Required resources: $25,000 for outside contract support; Local Funds
Activity measure: ThreatAdvice Education Training Rosters/Certificates of Completion; May 2021
Project Monitor: Chris Jenks
Department: Technology and Human Resources
Bus Safety
TCS will enhance the safety of students on school buses by acquiring and utilizing advanced technological resources.
Intended Outcome: Ensure all of our students and employees are protected with up-to-date technology that has a direct impact on their safety. Reduce parent complaints about missed stops or route deviations. Deliver real-time student ridership info to parents and administrators. Improve driver performance and accuracy with step-by-step route instructions. Streamline vehicle inspections and ensure adherence to safety policies. Assist with accident investigations and assist with insurance claims.
Key Measure: Improve the response times for finding lost children as well as provide better quality video to schools and law enforcement officials. Improved arrival to school times per our GPS Dashboard data.
Activity 1: Install hardware/software on school buses that allow dispatchers to send route directions directly to each school bus as well as allow students to scan identification cards upon entry and exit of school buses.
Person responsible: Rodney Jorges
Progress monitor: Bus drivers
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $225,000 for hardware/software; Local Funds
Activity measure: hardware/software installation on all buses; GPS data dashboard; August 2024
Project Monitor: Ron Schappacher
Department: Transportation
Activity 2: Install upgraded camera systems on school buses.
Person responsible: Rodney Jorges
Progress monitor: Bus drivers, Principals
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $200,000 for hardware/software; Local Funds
Activity measure: Completed hardware/software installation, August 2024.
Project Monitor: Ron Schappacher
Department: Transportation
TCS will research, develop, and implement a comprehensive plan with processes to create a model for best athletic practices.
Intended Outcome: Ensure all athletic teams consistently demonstrate and have opportunities to showcase their abilities and receive feedback through the development of an athletic task force, as the following are implemented and monitored: hire qualified coaches, equal athletic facilities, manual for operating procedures, improving transportation from school to extracurricular events, work collaboratively to align programs within feeder patterns and promoting students to the next level.
Key Measure: Increase student participation in TCS sports and extracurricular activities and monitor effectiveness of plan as indicated by improvement of overall programs, reductions of violations, increase in scholarship opportunities for students and collaborate with PARA (Park and Recreations Association) to bridge the gap between community and district athletic programs.
Activity 1: Hire qualified coaches who are knowledgeable of the sport
Person responsible: Principals, Athletic Director
Progress monitor: Maurice Heard
Status: In progress
Required resources: $150,000 for incentives and supplements; Local Funds
Activity measure: Data from winnings, Increased number of athletic scholarships; July 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 2: Provide equitable athletic facilities
Person responsible: Principals, Athletic Director, Edward Smith
Progress monitor: Maurice Heard and Edward Smith
Status: In progress
Required resources: $2,000,000 for facility upgrades and branding, Capital Funds
Activity measure: Completion of equitable athletic projects outlined in the TCS capital plan; July 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod and Mr. Edward Smith
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 3: Create manual for athletic operational procedures
Person responsible: Principals, Athletic Director, Coaches
Progress monitor: Maurice Heard
Status: Not started
Required resources: $5,000 for printing and substitutes for professional development, Local Funds
Activity measure: Athletic Operations Manual; August 2021.
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 4: Increase opportunities for athletes to compete at collegiate level
Person responsible: Principals, Athletic Director
Progress monitor: Maurice Heard
Status: In progress
Required resources: $1,500 annually for media day; Local Funds
Activity measure: Increased number in athletic scholarships, recruitment and signing data; May 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Janet Sherrod
Department: Learning Supports