Student Success with Equity and Access
If we provide equitable opportunities and access to high-quality academics, extracurricular and cocurricular activities, then students will be productive, well-rounded citizens in a global society.
Objective: Provide equitable access to academically rigorous courses and foster social emotional development to ensure individual student success.
This strategic theme focuses on four critical initiatives. The Tuscaloosa City Schools' strategic plan 2.0 is developed in concert with Cognia. By definition, a critical initiative is are evidence-based practices that:
- are sometimes referred to as a strategy
- can be multiple per objective
- are written “high level”
- are evaluated for their effectiveness
- answers “what we’ll do…”
Critical Initiatives
- Reading Before Third Grade (Rb3)
- Content Literacy (Grades 3-8)
- Content Literacy (Kindergarten)
- Mathematics
- STEM with Arts Integration
- Alternative Pathway
- School Improvement Practices
- College, Career and Workforce Ready
- Escalate Opportunities for College Level coursework in High School
- TCS Graduate
- Digital Practice
- English Learners (EL)
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
- Special Education Services
- Extended Learning Opportunities
- Summer Learning
- Arts in Education
Reading Before Third Grade (Rb3)
TCS teachers will provide targeted K-3 core reading instruction in order to increase student reading proficiency.
Intended Outcome: Produce proficient readers with a solid foundation of early reading skills.
Key Measure: Increase the number of students scoring in low risk as measured by aimswebPlus by 20%.
Activity 1: Train all K-3 teachers on LETRS Units 1-4.
Person responsible: Building Literacy Coaches, Principals, K-3 Teachers
Progress monitor: District Literacy Specialists
Status: Not Started
Required resources: State Funded
Activity measure: Complete units 1-4 by July 2021-May 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: LETRS Bridge to Practice for units 1-4
Person responsible: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Technology, Principals, Building Literacy Coaches, CST
Progress monitor: District Literacy Specialists
Status: Not Started
Required resources:$50,000 ESSER Funds
Activity measure: Complete Bridge to Practice by August 2021-May 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 3: Train all PK-3 Teachers on LETRS Units 5-8
Person responsible: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Technology, Principals, Building Literacy Coaches, Central Support Team
Progress monitor: District Literacy Specialists
Status: Not Started
Required resources: ESSER Funds
Activity measure: Complete training by July 2022-May 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 4: LETRS Bridge to Practice Units 5-8.
Person responsible: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Technology, Principals, Building Literacy Coaches, Central Support Team
Progress monitor: District Literacy Specialists
Status: Not Started
Required resources: ESSER Funds
Activity measure: Complete Bridge to Practice by August 2022-May 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 5: Train all new K-3 teachers on the aimswebPlus early reading and math assessment with dyslexia screener.
Person responsible: Classroom Teachers, Instructional Technology, Principals, Building Literacy Coaches, Central Support Team
Progress monitor: Building Literacy Coaches, District Literacy Specialists
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $5,000; ESSER Funds
Activity measure: Train all K-3 teachers by 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 6: Conduct Situational Appraisal (SCAN) with 2nd grade teachers to determine the next steps for instructional practices in the area of foundational reading.
Person responsible: Central Support Team, 2nd Grade Teachers, Building Literacy Coaches
Progress monitor: Assessment Coordinator, District Literacy Specialists
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $5,000; ESSER III
Activity measure: SCAN (See the Issue, Clarify the issues, Assess Priorities, Name next steps) process with 2nd-grade teachers; December 2022
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 7: Follow action steps- which include weekly visits from the Alabama Literacy Leadership Specialist and in-house daily support from Alabama Regional Literacy Specialist-- for full support schools as indicated by the Alabama Literacy Act.
Person responsible: Principals, ARI Specialists, Building Literacy Coach, Teachers, Central Support Team
Progress monitor: ARI Reading Specialists
Status: Started 2020-2021
Required resources: $5,000-Title II, materials and resources
Activity measure: Summary report with ongoing next steps from weekly visits 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Content Literacy (Grades 3-8)
TCS will integrate literacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking across all disciplines to ensure that all lessons are rigorous and to the depth of the standard. Lessons will integrate reading engagement as a critical component of literacy instruction.
Intended Outcome: Increase reading proficiency rates, increase reading engagement
Key Measure: Increase the percentage of students scoring at or above grade level on ACAP Summative, PreACT, ACT, and WorkKeys. Increase circulation via all metrics (library books, digital books, etc).
Activity 1: Participate in collaborative team planning by utilizing the curriculum guides and district benchmark assessments as part of the PLC learning cycle.
Person responsible: Teachers, Building Literacy Coaches, Principals, CST
Progress monitor: Principals
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $5,000-Title II, substitutes and stipends
Activity measure: Formative assessment data, Response to Instruction plan; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: Review Better Practice Visits based on tiered support of schools to ensure rigorous instruction across all content areas.
Person responsible: Teachers, Building Literacy Coaches, Principals, CST
Progress monitor: Assigned CST Support Personnel
Status: In Progress
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Better Practice Visit Summary Report; 2022-2023, 2023-2024.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 3: Implement local school reading engagement plans as critical
component of school-wide literacy work.
Person responsible: Teachers, Librarians, Principals
Progress monitor: Principals, Dr. North-Byrts, Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $5,000 per year-Need-based Challenge Grants
Activity measure: School-based circulation data, school improvement plans; 2022-2023, 2023-2024.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 4: Develop and implement plans for improving all library collections to
exemplary status.
Person responsible: Principals, Librarians
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $1,000,000-donated funds (varies by site), resources
Activity measure: School-based circulation data; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Content Literacy (Kindergarten)
Content Literacy: TCS will integrate literacy through reading, writing, speaking, listening, and thinking across all disciplines to ensure that all lessons are rigorous and to the depth of the standard. Lessons will integrate reading engagement as a critical component of literacy instruction.
Intended Outcome: Increase reading proficiency rates, increase reading engagement.
Key Measure: Decrease the percentage of students scoring below grade level in kindergarten using the beginning of the year aimsweb data.
Activity 1: Reach, recruit and serve all Tuscaloosa City zoned four year olds for our Pre-K program to provide an universal Pre-K program in Tuscaloosa City. Display signs throughout the community, social media, news coverage and community flyers will be used to recruit eligible students.
Person responsible: Diane Hilliker and Dr.Terri Byrts
Progress monitor: Dr. Terri North-Byrts
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $2,000-OSR, advertising signs
Activity Measure: Classes at capacity (18) by the first day of school in August
2021, 2022, 2023,2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
TCS will continue to target Mathematics teaching and learning which emphasizes content deepening, best instructional practices and student-based activities to grow learners who are critical thinkers, leaders, and problem-solvers for success as global citizens and in the workforce.
Intended Outcome: Increase math proficiency and student growth in K-12 students.
Key Measure: ACAP Summative, aimswebPlus, PreACT, ACT, and WorkKeys.
Activity 1: Provide math retooling and professional learning in all secondary schools and select elementary schools. Each year, additional elementary schools will be selected to participate. Schools who are currently participating in year 1 or year 2 professional learning will also participate in ongoing grade level PLCs throughout the school year with support from AMSTI specialists.
Person responsible: AMSTI specialists, AMSTI coaches, District Math Specialists, Classroom Teachers
Progress monitor: Each teacher will utilize common formative assessments developed by the PLC as well as district benchmark assessments to monitor student progress throughout the year. District math specialist will utilize Scantron Performance Series Express, aimswebPlus, and Better Practice Visits to monitor school and district progress
Status: In progress
Required resources: $5,000-Title II, $5,000-Title IV; stipends, substitutes, math competitions
Activity measure: Scantron PS Express, aimswebPlus, PreACT, ACT and WorkKeys, ACAP summative data; May 2021 and ongoing
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: Utilize a new early math assessment in grades K-3 during the 2021-2022 school year to address math achievement gaps.
- Develop and implement a plan for professional training on aimswebPlus assessments and resources
- Participate in and complete professional training for using aimsWebPlus as a screening tool and progress monitoring tool
- Use aimswebPlus screener and progress monitoring data to plan for and adjust instruction during the 2020-2021 school year
Person responsible: Classroom Teachers, Principals, Building Coaches, Central Support Team
Progress monitor: Elementary Math Specialist
Status: In progress
Required resources: aimsWebPlus State Funding for Early Math Assessments; $5,000-Title II, stipends and professional development training
Activity measure: aimswebPlus math data, ACAP Summative; May 2021-May 2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
STEM with Arts Integration
TCS will improve the learning culture to promote creativity, innovation, and collaborative problem-solving.
Intended Outcome: Strategically target interdisciplinary teaching and learning which emphasizes design processes, especially STEM with Arts Integration, in a focused effort to grow learners who are leaders in creative, innovative, and collaborative problem solving, and skilled communication, in preparing each and every student for success as global citizens and in the workforce.
Key Measure: Learning cultures that promote creativity, innovation, and collaborative problem solving as measured in ELEOT 2.0 Observation Tool.
Activity 1: Develop a 5-year implementation plan for STEM with Arts Integration.
- Establish what and why of STEM with Arts Integration
- Identify common values of STEM with Arts Integration
- Identify strategic priorities of STEM with Arts Integration
- Identify and develop STEM with Arts Integration professional development for educators and administrators
- MathCounts Competitions
- Perennial Math Competitions
Person responsible: STEM with Arts Integration PLG, Dr. Jeff Schultz, Chelsea Newels, Ken Webb, Instructional Technology Team
Progress monitor: STEM with Arts Integration PLG, Dr. Terri North-Byrts
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $20,000; Title IV, Part A; $20,000 for Coach Supplements, General Funds.
Activity measure: Strategic Planning document for STEM with Arts Integration; May 2021. Rollout for school year 2021-2022.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: Offer TCS innovation grant opportunities for school/s grassroots efforts utilizing Design Process/STEM with Arts Integration.
Person responsible: STEM with Arts Integration PLG/Dr. Jeff Schultz, Chelsea Newels, Dr. Elizabeth Hancock
Progress Monitor: Dr. Terri North-Bryts
Status: In Progress
Required Resources: $15,000-Title IV-Part A; STEM with Arts Integration Materials.
Activity Measure: Number of grant awards, end of year learning outcomes report; 2021-2022 and continuing annually funding dependent
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 3: Discover/explore/develop contacts in other schools/systems that are national models of STEM with Arts Integration and Design Process learning. Share summary report with TCS schools and leaders at the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
Person Responsible: STEM with Arts Integration PLG/ Dr. Jeff Schultz, Chelsea Newels
Progress Monitor: Dr.Terri North-Byrts
Status: Not Started
Required Resources: $10,000-Title II, travel and registration.
Activity Measure: Summary report of site visits and acquired knowledge; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 4: Support all schools in achieving state and national recognition for interdisciplinary teaching and learning efforts.
Person Responsible: STEM with Arts Integration PLG, Dr. Terri Byrts
Progress Monitor: STEM with Arts Integration PLG, Mrs. Diana Marchant
Status: In Progress
Required Resources: $50,000-Title II and Title IV, travel, substitutes, professional development resources, and educational resources for libraries.
Activity Measure: Awards such as: State Green Ribbon School/District recognition, COGNIA Certification, Arts Integration Awards, etc.; by 2023.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 5: Develop a local course to meet the computer science requirements in middle and high school with a focus on project-based learning integrating mathematics and STEM with Arts Integration.
Person Responsible: STEM with Arts Integration PLG, District Teachers
Progress Monitor: Dr. Liz Hancock
Status: Not started, SY 2021-2022
Required Resources: $5000-Title II, stipends or substitutes
Activity Measure: 2022-2023 - Course developed, and teachers trained. Submit waiver to ALSDE.
2022-2023 - Implement local computer science course.
2023-2024, Evaluate, refine, and adjust outcomes.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 6: Develop a system wide field trip plan to provide all students with hands-on experiences in the area of STEM with Arts Integration at each grade level.
Person responsible: Principal and Central Support Team Members
Progress monitor: Dr. Terri Byrts
Status: In progress
Required resources: None
Activity measure: 2021-2022, 2022-2023, 2023-2024 local school field trip request.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Alternative Pathway
TCS will create and implement an alternative pathway for virtual students who desire blended and/or online learning opportunities.
Intended Outcome: Flexible context for learning that meets the needs of some students.
Key Measure: Learning cultures that promote creativity, innovation, and collaborative problem solving as measured in ELEOT 2.0 Observation Tool.
Activity 1: Apply for a state-approved cost center, establishing a virtual school.
Person responsible: Principal, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Federal Programs
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: Not Started
Required resources: Funding for building, including utilities and staff not covered by the state department of education-general funds.
Activity measure: In Spring 2022, TCS will submit a cost center funding application for an alternative pathway school.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: Select faculty and staff to provide flexible learning opportunities.
Person responsible: Principal and Central Office personnel
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: Not Started
Required resources: None; *Staff will be transferred from TCS schools; August 2022
Activity measure: Approved Board Personnel List
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 3: Establish selection and exit criteria to recruit and retain virtual students that may benefit from a flexible learning model.
Person responsible: Planning Committee (Central Office Department Heads and Principal)
Progress Monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $7000-Title II; stipends
Activity measure: Review Scantron PS Express, ACAP Summative, Pre-ACT, ACT, and Workkeys, Attendance, Discipline, Course grades data; May 2022.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 4: Create interdisciplinary, project-based curriculum with a strong focus on “core” subjects.
Person responsible: Principal, Teachers, and Literacy Coach
Progress monitor: Andrew Maxey
Status: Not Started
Required resources: 7,000-Title II; stipends for teachers
Activity measure: Review Scantron PS Express, ACAP Summative, Pre-ACT, ACT, and Workkeys data; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 5: Develop a communication plan in partnership with TCS Public Relations Department to communicate opportunities to all stakeholders.
Person responsible: Principal and public relations Department
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $5,000-GF; teacher stipends
Activity measure: Monitoring of communication plan and engagement;
January-February 2022
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
School Improvement Practices
TCS will strengthen school improvement processes to ensure effective vertical stakeholder team collaboration and successful implementation of school improvement plans, resulting in school goals being achieved.
Intended Outcome: 100% of school teams consistently demonstrate effective team planning and ensure critical initiative activities and coaching feedback are implemented to fidelity.
Key Measure: Monitor the effective implementation of strategies and activities shared during Better Practice Visits, Mid-Year Reviews and End-of-the-Year Reviews; Vertical Team Effectiveness Survey
Activity 1: Research and develop best practices model for vertical teaming.
Person responsible: Vertical Teams PLG, Principals, School Improvement Administrator
Progress monitor: Dr. Tonya Crews, School Improvement Administrator
Status: Not Started
Required resources: $5,000-Title II; online resources
Activity measure: Vertical Teams Planning Document; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Activity 2: Develop a network of vertical teams with school leaders who are implementing the vertical teams progress.
Person responsible: School Improvement Administrator, Vertical Teams PLG
Progress monitor: Vertical Teams PLG, Dr. Tonya Crews
Status: Not started
Required resources: $5,000-Title II; online resources
Activity measure: A roster or list of key leadership contacts in various national model districts and their unique best practices - August 2021-May 2022.
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Activity 3: Conduct orientation for school leaders on vertical team model best practices.
Person responsible:School Improvement Administrator, Vertical Teams PLG
Progress monitor: Dr. Tonya Crews
Status: Not started
Required resources: $3,000-Title I and general fund; research materials
Activity measure: Agenda, PowerPoint, participants’ roster- August 2021-May 2022
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Activity 4: Create a digital space for schools to share data resources, best practices, and new learning.
Person responsible: School Improvement Administrator, Technology Specialists, Principals, Assistant Principals, Vertical Teams PLG
Progress monitor: Dr. Tonya Crews
Status: Not started
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Digital space with helpful content; May 2022- for School Years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Activity 5: Modify ACIP development template that will communicate shared vertical team goals, critical initiatives, activities, monitoring, and evaluation process.
Person responsible: School Improvement Administrator, Technology Specialists, Principals, Assistant Principals
Progress monitor: Dr. Tonya Crews
Status: Not started
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Completion of modified template- 2022
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Activity 6: Appraise issues and barriers around monitoring and feedback of school improvement planning to modify process.
Person responsible: School Improvement Administrator
Progress monitor: Dr. Tonya Crews
Status: Not started
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Documentation of SCAN and modified process- August 2021
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Activity 7: Secure school improvement grants as applicable to help support schools in vertical teams and in need of improvement.
Person responsible: School Improvement Administrator, Principals and Leadership Teams
Progress monitor: Dr. Tonya Crews
Status: Not started
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Grant Award Letters, May 2022
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
College, Career and Workforce Ready
TCS students will enter high school on a selected career path and will follow a prescribed course sequence as aligned to TCS Graduate endorsements.
Intended Outcome: To have 100% of high school students on a career path resulting from a mix of dual enrollment, AP/IB, and CTE courseworkKey Measure: CCR data.
Activity 1: Review all 4 year plans to develop a program of work for students including post-secondary and work-ready internships using YouScience data.
Person responsible: Middle and High School Counselors
Progress monitor: Andrea Markham, Andrea White
Status: In progress
Required resources: Funding for YouScience (outside funding through Chamber of Commerce); Plan Your Path to Post-Secondary Success document
Activity measure: TCS CCR dashboard; October 1; (Annually), December 1, 2020 (virtually). Annual monitoring. Train counselors/middle and high school advisors on using Plan Your Path document; January 2021
Project Monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 2: Expand post-secondary opportunities for students in Work Ready pathways through increased community engagement, increased dual enrollment opportunities, and collaboration with other agencies.
Person responsible: Andrea Markham, Andrea White
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Status: In progress
Resources: None
Activity measure: Continued 3% yearly increase in percentage of positive outcomes including CTE program completion, employment/internship/apprenticeship placement, and college credit earned; Spring 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024,
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 3: Revise or modify priority programs of study based on alignment and evaluation of current CTE programs with regional workforce needs.
Person responsible: Designated Task Force
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Status: Not started
Resources: $3000-Carl Perkins; professional development (PLC) training
Activity measure (benchmark and target date): Evaluate current CTE programs, develop a plan for closing and/or changing pathways of programs that currently do not meet regional workforce needs; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 4: Develop an implementation plan for financial literacy for all high school students.
Person responsible: Designated Task Force Members
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Status: Not started
Resources: None
Activity measure: Begin process for identifying financial literacy opportunities for students, develop a plan for student engagement, implement process for student enrollment and monitor progress, Summer 2021.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 5: Develop system level criteria for rigorous experiences in CTE including curriculum (secondary/post-secondary), job-shadowing, internship, apprenticeship and CTSO Engagement.
Person responsible: CTE Leadership Team
Progress monitor: Richjetta Branch/Kelly Norstrom
Status: 1st phase-industry process map 75%, 2nd phase-not started
Resources: potential ELEVATE funding
Activity measure: Begin process for identifying opportunities for students, develop a plan for student engagement, implement process for student enrollment and participation; monitor progress, Summer 2022.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Escalate Opportunities for College Level coursework in High School
TCS will increase student access to Advanced Placement (AP) courses, International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, dual enrollment and dual credit.
Intended Outcome: Expose more students to college level rigor through AP/IB/Dual Enrollment courses
Key Measure: Increase the number of students (9-12) taking college credit-bearing courses by 5% annually.
Resources: Title IV, Part A Funds & ELEVATE Funds
Activity 1: Identify students who have not completed courses in AP/IB, dual enrollment and create a pathway to ensure access, participation, and success in the courses
Person responsible: High school counselors
Progress monitor: Andrea Markham
Status: In progress
Required resources: ELEVATE funding
Activity measure: Review of student transcripts/CCR data each semester; develop consistent communication plan promoting AP/IB/dual enrollment opportunities
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 2: Expand access and successful completion of Advanced Placement courses through the implementation of Pre-AP in grades 6-8.
Person responsible: Middle school principals, Middle school counselors
Progress monitor: Andrea Markham/Kelly Norstrom/Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: Not started- teacher training available Summer 2022
Required resources: Title II, $4,000
Activity measure: Student roster in pre-AP courses; 2023
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 3: Develop a communication plan in partnership with TCS Public Relations department to consistently communicate opportunities to all stakeholders with a specific emphasis on parents.
Person responsible: Public Relations department, CCR department
Progress monitor: Andrea Markham
Status: Not started
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Monitoring of communication output and engagement, 2022.
Project Monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Department: Teaching & Learning; Human Resources & Operations
TCS Graduate
TCS will develop a project plan for implementation and evaluation of TCS model of characteristics of the high school graduate.
Intended Outcome: Increased demonstration of student performance indicators for the high school graduate.
Key Measure: K-12 pathway by TCS Grad indicator for teacher implementation and evaluation
Activity 1: Review and revise the 4 areas of the TCS graduate and the expectations for performance and/or skill acquisition (8-12) and define the K-12 component of the TCS grad plan.
Person responsible: TCS Graduate committee
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Status: In progress
Required resources: $500-Title II, substitutes and stipends
Activity measure: Completed Comprehensive plan; Dec. 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 2: Plan and develop a K-12 pathway of expectations by grade and/or subject area for each of the TCS grad indicators for student support as related to TCS graduate expectations (K-12).
Person responsible: TCS Graduate committee
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Status: Not started
Required resources: $6,000-Title IV, Trego Ed; $7,500-general fund, substitutes
Activity measure: Project plan and visual of pathway; May Dec. 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 3: Implement a K-12 pathway of expectations by grade and/or subject area for each of the TCS grad indicators for student support as related to TCS graduate expectations (K-12).
Person responsible: Classroom teachers
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Status: Not started
Required resources:
Activity measure: Teachers use developed criteria to monitor achievement of TCS Graduate characteristics through a rubric with performance indicators at each level, 2021-2024.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope & Kelly Norstrom
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 4: Develop an evaluation metric to ascertain when TCS grad indicators have been successfully achieved.
Person responsible: TCS Graduate committee
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom
Status: Not started
Required resources: $4,000-Title II, PLC; $4,000-general fund, TregoEd Consultant
Activity measure: Disaggregate data to monitor student success; graduate attainment; micro badging, rubric/report cards
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching & Learning
Activity 5: Streamline, clarify, promote, and train stakeholders on educational opportunities
Person responsible: TCS Graduate committee/Public Relations Department
Progress monitor: Kelly Norstrom/Lesley Bruinton
Status: Not started
Required resources: $4,000-Title II, professional development training; Trego Ed- $3,700-general fund, TregoEd; $30,000-general fund, virtual platform
Activity measure: develop a resource document in training of teachers, Promotion to stakeholders, utilization of virtual platform; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope & Kelly Norstrom
Department: Teaching & Learning
Digital Practice
TCS will create a standard of excellence in technological pedagogical content knowledge among all faculty K-12. TCS teachers K-12 will implement high-quality technology integration guided by technological pedagogical content knowledge. Specifically, daily practice will entail planning and implementing learning experiences that use best practice to facilitate student mastery of learning targets/standards with effective integration of learning resources, including digital ones.
Intended Outcome: TCS teachers will consistently demonstrate excellence in the teaching (pedagogy) of the standards (content) while integrating technology in ways that support other district initiatives including college and career readiness, extended learning, rigorous resources, TCS Graduate, SEL, STEM with Arts Integration, content literacy, English learners, mathematics (AMSTI), Pre-K, PBIS, RB3, special education services, summer learning, and school improvement.
Key Measure: Over a five year period, schools will see an increase in average teacher performance on technology components of evaluation instruments including the Better Practice Visits Hiqh Quality Instruction tool.
Activity 1: Identify key practices associated with technological pedagogical content knowledge. Evaluate current implementation of the key practices in order to establish a baseline of current competencies. Create and implement a road map for growth.
Person responsible:Dr. Elizabeth Hancock and the Instructional Technology and Literacy Teams
Progress monitor: Instructional Technology and Literacy Teams
Status: Not started
Required resources: None
Activity measure: At the end of three years, have a clear summary of the district baseline of current competencies in technological pedagogical content knowledge and have launched a road map for growth as documented on evaluation instruments including the Better Practice Visits Hiqh Quality Instruction tool; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope and Instructional Technology & Literacy Teams
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: Provide a variety of professional learning opportunities during the summer and district professional learning days.
Person responsible: Dr. Elizabeth Hancock and the Instructional Technology and Literacy Teams
Progress monitor: Instructional Technology and Literacy Teams
Status: In progress
Required resources: $10,000 per year-Title II,professional development materials and substitutes
Activity measure: Every K-12 teacher will participate in the equivalent of at least one day of professional learning in technological pedagogical content knowledge as documented on sign in forms; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope and Instructional Technology & Literacy Teams
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 3: Organize Ed Tech Leadership Communities.
Person responsible: Dr. Elizabeth Hancock and the Instructional Technology and Literacy Teams
Progress monitor: Instructional Technology and Literacy Teams
Status: In progress
Required resources: $25,000 per year-Title II, professional development materials and substitutes
Activity measure: Every school will have two teacher participate in the Ed Tech Leadership Communities and lead at least one turnaround experience for their faculties as documented on sign in forms; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope & Instructional Technology & Literacy Teams
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 4: Curate and review collections of high-quality digital learning resources that support district initiatives. These include resources that the district purchases, curates from free resources, or creates.
Person responsible: Dr. Elizabeth Hancock, Dr. Terri North-Byrts
Progress monitor: Directors of Strategic Initiatives, Literacy, College and Career Ready, Special Education, and Technology
Status: In progress
Required resources: $2,100,000:General Fund, $700,000 Other (CTE, Federal, Special Education, and Pre-K)
Activity measure: Quarterly review of dashboard; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope and Instructional Technology & Literacy Teams
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 5: Set up an analytics dashboard for digital learning resources to provide data to develop a clear picture of implementation practices and value of investment.
Person responsible: Dr. Elizabeth Hancock
Progress monitor: Dr. Elizabeth Hancock
Status: Not started
Required resources: Existing general funds for ClassLink
Activity measure: Every quarter provide a summary of digital learning resource implementation practices; beginning Fall 2022-2023
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 6: Establish an annual formal, collaborative process for acquisition and review of learning resources.
Person responsible: Dr. Terri North-Byrts, Dr. Andrew Maxey
Progress monitor: Dr. Terri North-Byrts, Dr. Andrew Maxey
Status: Not started
Required resources: $3,000 General Fund
Activity measure: Bi-annual summary of progress
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
English Learners (EL)
TCS will provide equitable instruction and support for all English Learners to access grade-level content and build both social and academic language in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Intended Outcome: English Learners will make adequate progress in English language acquisition and have access to grade level content through language accommodations.
Key Measure: English Learners will make adequate progress in language acquisition on ACCESS for ELLs as measured by the ALSDE EL Growth Chart.
Activity 1: Guide effective Implementation of WIDA Standards.
Person responsible: Classroom teachers
Progress monitor: ESL Specialists and building-level leadership teams
Status: In progress
Required resources: None
Activity measure: Better Practice Visits, mid-year reviews and ACCESS for ELLs; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Kristi Garcia
Department: Federal Programs/ESL
Activity 2: Provide professional development to teachers and administrators on differentiated instruction, implementation of WIDA standards, and addressing the needs of English Learners.
Person responsible: ESL Coordinator, Kristi Garcia, Specialists, and Instructional Coaches
Progress monitor: Kristi Garcia & Principals
Status: In progress
Required resources: $5000-Title II & III, substitutes and training supplies
Activity measure: Monthly Observations of implementation of strategies in
Classrooms; 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Teaching and Learning/ESL
Activity 3: Provide opportunities for EL families to engage in reaching educational goals for English Learners: Bilingual Family Literacy Program, Global Cafe and PTLA.
Person responsible: ESL Specialists
Progress monitor: Kristi Garcia
Status: In progress
Required resources: $2,000-Title III, bilingual resources for families
Activity measure: Bilingual Family Literacy, PTLA and Global Cafe quarterly
agendas and rosters; October 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs/ESL
Activity 4: Participate in partnership with the University of Alabama’s Spanish Outreach Program to provide bilingual support services for Spanish speaking English Learners.
Person responsible: ESL Coordinator and ESL Specialists
Progress monitor: Kristi Garcia
Status: In Progress
Required resources: $1,000-Title III, resources for outreachers to work with students
Activity measure: Monthly meeting agendas and rosters; Spanish Outreachers growth reports on students.; October 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs/ESL
Activity 5: Plan and implement a Newcomer Program at CHS in the fall of 2021 for TCS students who are both English Learners and have limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE).
Person responsible: ESL Coordinator and ESL Specialists
Progress monitor: Kristi Garcia
Status: Not started
Required resources: $100,000 for teacher, reading/math and language curriculum, & transportation; ESSER II funds
Activity measure: Monthly progress monitoring and growth on ACCESS for ELLs; August 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs/ESL
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
TCS will enhance positive behavioral interventions and supports in order to decrease student infractions in all schools.
Intended Outcome: 100% of the schools will participate in some form of positive behavioral intervention and supports.
Key Measure: Monitor the effective implementation of research based strategies and activities shared during data meeting to decrease the number of student infractions as measured monthly
Activity 1: Research and develop best practices for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) in all schools.
Person responsible: Instructional Leaders and PBIS Teams and Dr. Jessica Constant
Progress monitor: Dr. Jessica Constant and Instructional Leaders
Status: In progress
Required resources: $8,000-Title II, professional development and student reward system
Activity measure: Review of monthly discipline data for decrease in the percentage of infractions
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Learning Supports
Activity 2: Implementation of HOPE Institute, Schools of Character and or Second Step in all schools.
Person responsible: Instructional Leaders, Leadership Teams, Parents, Students, and Community Members
Progress monitor: Dr. Jessica Constant
Status: In progress
Required resources: $3,000-Title II, 11 Principles Guidebook, stipends and substitutes
Activity measure: Submission of Application November 20, 2020 and Final SIR; May 2021
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Learning Supports
Special Education Services
TCS will strategically target accommodative learning opportunities for children with exceptionalities in the general educational classroom in order to meet grade-level achievement standards.
Intended Outcome: To create and maintain a total educational environment suitable for all students with disabilities to narrow the achievement gap with their non-disabled peers.
Key Measure: By 2024, the achievement gap between students with disabilities and their non-disabled peers will narrow by 10%. Students with disabilities will sustain learning growth made during the prior school year and will collectively demonstrate learning gains as measured by state-required, grade-level measurements of student learning.
Activity 1: Provide professional development and resources to local school teams to accurately identify students with disabilities through early intervention which improves student achievement. Enact a comprehensive screening and intervention plan to identify why the student is struggling and determine appropriate services and supports in the general education classroom using a tiered approach of planning and instruction.
Person responsible: Shandra Shaw, Lisa Berger, psychometric team, special education teachers
Progress monitor: Principal, Assistant Principal, local school leadership team
Status: Not started
Required resources: $5,000-IDEA, substitutes
Activity measure: By 2024, the elementary, middle and high school will complete professional development to accurately identify students as indicated by professional development agenda and sign in sheet, student intervention plans, referral documentation, student planning sheet and student monitoring data;
Fall 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Bruce Prescott
Department: Department of Special Education Support Services
Activity 2: Provide professional development on an evidence-based framework for individualizing instruction that provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for students by offering flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs with focus on scheduling of classroom and intervention instruction.
Person responsible: Shandra Shaw, Lisa Berger, local school leadership, special education teachers
Progress monitor: Principal and Assistant Principal
Status: Not started
Required resources: $5,000-IDEA, substitutes
Activity measure: By 2024, the elementary, middle and high schools will complete professional development training as indicated by professional development agenda and sign in sheet, grade level planning document, and student monitoring data; Fall 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Bruce Prescott
Department: Department of Special Education Support Services
Activity 3: Provide professional development for special education teachers on interpreting grade level standards and curriculum and provide professional development for general education teachers in interpreting IEPs and implementing instructional accommodations.
Person responsible: Shandra Shaw, Lisa Berger, local school leadership, special education teachers
Progress monitor: Principal and Assistant Principal
Status: Not started
Required resources: $5,000-IDEA, substitutes
Activity measure: By 2023, the elementary, middle and high schools will complete professional development training as indicated by professional development agenda and sign in sheet, grade level planning document, and student monitoring data.; Fall 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Bruce Prescott
Department: Department of Special Education Support Services
Activity 4: Provide strategic Interventions to identify, implement and collaborate between instructional specialists on specially designed supports and related services based on the academic and functional needs of each student by progress monitoring weekly and across grade levels beginning at Pre K through 12 grade.
Person responsible: Lisa Berger, Shandra Shaw, Special Education Teachers, local school leadership
Progress monitor: Principal and Assistant Principal
Status: Not started
Required resources: $2,500-IDEA, student data form; $2,500, local school implementation of data records
Activity measure: Elementary, middle and high schools individualized intervention student plans created and maintain student data progress monitoring as indicated by student intervention plans, and student progress monitoring form; Fall 2021-2024
Project Monitor: Dr. Bruce Prescott
Department: Department of Special Education Support Services
Extended Learning Opportunities
TCS will secure additional grants for 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) for all Title I schools in an effort to provide extended learning opportunities that include broad range of programs that provide students with academic, enrichment, and supervised activities beyond the school day and during the summer.
Intended Outcome: Increase the number of applicants for the 21st CCLC Grants in Title Schools.
Key Measure: Monitoring grant content in E-GAP (online software portal); monitor 21st CCLC directors’ grant writing progress
Activity 1: Apply for Additional 21st CCLC Grants for all Title I schools.
Person responsible: Ingrid Edwards and Principals
Progress monitor: Ingrid Edwards
Status: In progress
Required resources: $2,300-Title I, substitutes and/or stipends
Activity measure: Completed grant before the required ALSDE date (varies) and
award letters of grant(s) received;
May 2022-2023
Project Monitor: Ms. Vertis Giles-Brown
Department: Federal Programs
Summer Learning
TCS will implement a high-quality summer learning program.
Intended Outcome: Participation in high-quality summer learning programs.
Key Measure: By 2023, at least 70% of all students in elementary grades will participate in a formal summer learning program. Participating students will sustain learning growth made during the prior school year (at a minimum) and will collectively demonstrate learning gains as measured by state-required, grade-level measurements of student learning.
Activity 1: Establish and implement unified district protocols for funding, planning, executing, and evaluating all summer programs via TCS Summer Learning Handbook. Includes guiding principles, persons responsible, deadlines, and decision criteria.
Person responsible: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey, Dr. James Pope
Status: Not started
Required resources: $1,000,000 per year-general funds, expenses for all programs
Activity measure: Tuscaloosa City Schools Summer Learning Handbook, annual budget, end of program report including performance metrics. Document board approved by November 2021.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: In collaboration with partner organizations, establish community summer learning “backbone” organization. Articulate district contributions to summer learning, objectives for improving quality community-wide, metrics for evaluating summer programs. Execute memorandum of understanding to guide collaborative partnerships.
Person responsible: Dr. Andrew Maxey
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey, Dr. James Pope
Status: In progress
Required resources: $15,000 per year-general funds, partner organization cooperation, political capital
Activity measure: Formal launch of non-profit organization or hire of community liaison by existing organization; February 2022-2023
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 3: Initiate ongoing, community-wide “Summer Learning for All” communication campaign. Long-range public conversation about the importance and benefits of summer learning, paired with communication of available programs and opportunities.
Person responsible: Office of Strategic Initiatives, backbone summer organization, City of Tuscaloosa, Chamber of Commerce
Progress monitor: Dr. Andrew Maxey, Dr. James Pope
Status: Not started
Required resources: $1,000 per year-general funds, campaign supplies
Activity measure: Total “engagements” with specific communications: social media posts, mass and targeted emails, web-based communications; 2022-2023.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Arts in Education
TCS will strategically target arts education as a strategy in meeting student needs for a well-rounded education.
Intended outcome: All TCS schools, with support from community entities, foster equity of access to high-quality arts education opportunities for all students.
Key measure: Increased student participation in, and community support for, a K-12 sequential arts education.
Activity 1: Ensure equity of access to high-quality, K-12 arts education programming.
- Robust performance and exhibition opportunities for all students
- High-quality arts instruction supported with division-specific PLC
- Implement strategic plan for TCS Schools for Performing and Visual Arts (TASPA, TFAA)
Person Responsible: Dr. Jeff Schultz, Arts Educators, School Principals
Progress Monitor: Dr. Jeff Schultz
Status: In progress
Required Resources: Title IV $10,000, general funds, grant funding-AAEI
Activity Measure: Program/student accomplishments (all-state, MPA, festivals, etc.), Student work samples, TASPA/TFAA strategic priority activities reports
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 2: Attract and retain high-quality arts educators.
- Competitive stipends
- High-quality professional development
- Fund grant writers to supplement existing program budgets
Person Responsible: Dr. Jeff Schultz
Progress Monitor: Dr. Jeff Schultz, School Administrators, HR
Status: Not started. SY 2021-2024, Monitor and report progress each year.
Required Resources: $150,000, Title II-$12,000, general funds, grant funding
Activity Measure: Examples: Teacher retention, teacher participation in festivals/competitions, student work samples, student and community involvement, board approved arts stipends in salary schedule.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning
Activity 3: Increase arts exposure and achievement with support from community partners from institutions of higher education, civic leaders, and arts community.
Person Responsible: Dr. Jeff Schultz
Progress Monitor: Dr. Jeff Schultz, Arts Educators, community leaders, school administrators
Status: Not Started
SY 2021-2022 Assemble a symposium of community partners, share TCS identified needs, brainstorm solutions.
SY 2022-2023, Begin implementing partnership programs in and with schools
2023 - 2024 Evaluate, refine and adjust partnership opportunities
Required Resources: None
Activity Measure: Identified TCS arts education needs of community resources; dual enrollment opportunities in arts for high school students, reports on partnership activities.
Project Monitor: Dr. James Pope
Department: Teaching and Learning