School attendance matters, each and every day.
Chronic absence – at any age – is one of the strongest early warning indicators of academic risk and, if left unaddressed, students will eventually drop out. The Tuscaloosa City Schools provides every child with the fundamental right to an elementary, middle and high school education. Yet across the district, thousands of children are being denied that right because of poor attendance.
Tuscaloosa City Schools has one message for Tuscaloosa students and their families: your child needs to be here.
Absences from school are designated as excused or unexcused. School related absences, approved by the principal, will not count as absences. Absences resulting from suspensions will be marked as unexcused.
Types of excused absences include personal illness, hospitalization, an emergency, death in the immediate family, a court subpoena or otherwise exceptional circumstances approved by the principals.
Students absent for an excused reason shall be allowed to do makeup work in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct.
Students who accumulate five or more absences during the term will be required to submit an official statement from the courts or a physician explaining each absence for the remainder of the term. Failure to provide an official statement from the courts or a physician will result in the absence being marked as unexcused.
Dr. Tramene M. Maye
Coordinator of Attendance