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English as a Second Language

Left to Right: Kristi Garcia, Kava Smith, Tiffany Craig, Angie Morrison and Samantha Shuler

It is the intent of English as a Second Language that every student identified as limited in English proficiency, otherwise known as an English Learner (EL), or whose primary home language is something other than English be provided with appropriate services to enhance their ability to learn English as an additional language.

It is not the intent of the ESL program to replace or negate the student’s primary home language. Rather, the ESL program shall strive to enable the EL to become competent in listening, speaking, reading and writing in the English language in order to master content-area skills. In this way, ELs are able to participate effectively in classroom settings and to reach their full potential.


English as a Second Language
Kristi Garcia
Administrator of English Learners and Bilingual Family Engagement
Email Kristi Garcia

English as a Second Language Program