CTE Course Substitutes
Tuscaloosa City Schools continues to support and provide students with numerous opportunities to excel, graduate from high school and pursue postsecondary or career interests. The development and implementation of Alabama's PLAN 2020 has empowered the district to promote flexible alternatives for high school graduation. This will be achieved through innovative programs that both interest students and satisfy academic and/or elective content requirements for school coursework. The major goals of the CTE Course Substitute program:
- Flexible Credit for career technical coursework that fulfills science and health requirements.
The ALSDE has indentified two CTE courses that may be used to fullfill either the fourth math requirement OR be used to fulfill one of the three credit requirements in CTE/Foreign Language/Arts Education category. The CTE substitutes for math may not be used to fulfill both a CTE course and a core course. Students may choose one of the following to serve as their fourth credit in math:
- Career Mathematics
- Computer Science Principles, AP
The ALSDE has identified nine CTE courses that may be used to fulfill either the third and/or fourth credit in Science OR be used to fulfill one of more of the three credit requirements in CTE/Foreign Language/Arts Education category. The CTE substitutes for Science may not be used to fulfill both a core course and a CTE course. Students may choose up to two of the following courses to serve as their third and/or fourth credit in Science:
- Chemistry of Food
- Forensic and Crimal Investigations
- Plant Biotechnology
- Aquaculture Science
- Environmental Management
- Introduction to Biotechnology
- PLTW Human Body Structures
- PLTW Principles of Engineering
- Human Body Structures and Functions