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prek students

Children must be four before September 1 and live in the Tuscaloosa City School zone to qualify. Children in our Pre-k program must be:

  • Fully toilet-trained. Pullups are not acceptable.
  • Parents must provide proof of residence, an up-to-date immunization card, and birth certificate when accepted into the program.
  • Bus transportation is not provided for our Pre-k students. Parents are responsible for drop-off and pick-up each day.

For more information, read the Pre-K handbook.  

Apply today at:

The pre-k lottery will take place on Thursday, March 7th at 8:30a.m. at the Central Office.  Applications received after 8:30a.m. on March 5th will not be considered for the lottery. Letters will be mailed to families selected in the lottery on March 8th. 

Since 1993, the Tuscaloosa City Schools have served eligible four-year-olds with high-quality Pre-k instruction. Recognized as a leader in pre-kindergarten education, the system serves nearly 625 students at multiple sites throughout the district.

Funding for the program comes from local, state, and Elevate funds. TCS is also a recipient of multiple Office of School Readiness (OSR) First Class grant-funded classrooms. Additionally, the City of Tuscaloosa and Mayor Walt Maddox are fervent supporters of Pre-k through our Elevate program and the annual Mayor's Cup 5K/10K.


Diane Hilliker
Pre-K Coordinator

LinksMayor's cupoffice of school readinesspre-k handbookpre-k registration

The faces of pre kindergarten!

kids smiling at camera in classroom
boys standing together  on playground
kids smiling in group at an outside barnyard
kids smiling in classroom
kids sitting and smiling in classroom group photo
kids smiling for camera
kids posing for camera in classroom
two kids working together in classroom
kids working together in classroom