Homebound Services
Homebound Services
The student in need of Homebound Services must present a statement from their physician stating due to their physical condition, they are prohibited from attending school for an extended period of time. The referral from the physician should have an anticipated return date to school. Once the school receives the physician’s statement indicating the student is in need of Homebound Services the “Referral for Homebound Services” (Form 166) should be sent to the Office of Student Services. The Office of Student Services will set up a meeting at the school with the parent and school administrators to develop the Homebound Services agreement between the parent and the school. The student will return to his/her homeschool upon release from a physician stating their condition has improved.
Students in need of Homebound Services who are eligible for Special Education or Section 504 services should be referred to the Director of Special Education or the Section 504 Coordinator. If an IEP team determines homebound as the least restrictive environment (LRE) for a student with an identified disability, the IEP team will review/revise the current IEP to establish the extent of the services to best meet the individualized needs of the student. Homebound services will be provided by a certified teacher.
For additional questions, please contact the Director of Special Education Support Services.
Homebound Service Requirements
Homebound services are considered appropriate for students who are under the care of a physician and who are unable to attend school due to their medical condition. This must be verified in writing by a physician’s statement to substantiate the validity of the request. Procedures for this process can be found in the Office of Student Services.
Student Pregnancies
Pregnancy and the normal recuperative period following delivery do not make a student eligible for services in a homebound program. A physician may make a written referral for homebound services if there are complications during pregnancy or following delivery which require such students to remain within the home for an expected six-week period.