STARS Academy
STARS Academy K-5
Students are assigned to the K-5 elementary alternative program by the Elementary Disciplinary Review Committee. Administrators at the local schools refer elementary students who commit Class III offenses to the Central Office to determine if an alternative placement is warranted. Students are assigned for 30 days but may remain longer based on attendance, behavior and grades while assigned and progress made toward correcting the behavior. Instruction is a blend of direct instruction from a HQ teacher as well as technology-enhanced instruction. Students receive wrap around services while assigned including counseling, social services support and other services by program design.
STARS Academy 6-12
Students are assigned to the middle/high school alternative program by the Disciplinary Review Committee. Students are referred to the Central office who have committed a Class III offense at school. Students may be placed for forty five (45) days, one semester or up to two semesters based on the offense. Students receive their instruction from a blend of direct instruction from highly qualified teachers as well as technology enhanced instruction. Students receive wrap around services including counseling and social service support while assigned to the program. In addition students participate in Chess Club, UA Robotics and other extracurricular activities to enhance their education.