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Teaching & Learning Resources

Useful Tools and Information to be an Effective Educator

Below are educator resources to help our teachers be the best educators possible.

Educator Effective Rubrics
The purpose of this tool is to help you identify and document observable evidence of classroom environments that are conducive to student learning. Results of your observations will be used to corroborate information obtained from interviews, artifacts and student performance data. 

High Quality Instruction
Offers an outline of effective teaching including Formative Assessment, Literacy Across All Content Areas, Standards-Based Instructions, Culturally Responsive Teaching and Personalized Learning, Behavior Management, Relationships Conducive to Learning, and Classroom Organization and Management. 

Response to Instruction (RtI) Resource Guide
Provides comprehensive overview of PLU, outlines specific roles and responsibilities, provide clarity for monthly PLU outcomes.

High Quality Instruction Tool: Secondary Better Practice Visit

Tuscaloosa City Schools: A Focus on Excellence