Drug & Alcohol Screening
Tuscaloosa City Schools recognizes that students who participate in extracurricular activities are assets to the sports, academic and leadership components of our educational institutions. Further, students that possess campus parking passes are responsible for the safety of themselves and others while operating a motor vehicle. Collectively, these two groups of students will be referred to as “Activity Students.” To assist its Activity Students in maximizing their skills and talents and afford them every opportunity to remain drug free in order to help protect themselves, as well as other students with whom they come in contact, the Tuscaloosa City Schools has implemented the following Drug and Alcohol Screening Program. This program is enacted as a preventive measure and as a deterrent to Activity Students who may be thinking of trying alcohol or drugs. Except where specifically prohibited by law the guidelines contained within this document may be changed by the System at any time. Students covered by this policy and procedures will be informed of changes. This Policy in no way circumvents nor may be used in place of Board Policy and School Rules pertaining to use, possession, distribution, of alcohol or drugs at school or school-sponsored events.
Substance abuse can be a serious threat to the school system, its students, visitors and employees. Though the percentage of substance abusing Activity Students may be relatively small, practical experience and research indicate that appropriate precautions are necessary. It is the belief of the System that the benefits derived from the policy objectives outweigh the potential inconvenience to Activity Students. The System earnestly solicits the understanding and cooperation of all students and parents, especially those participating in extracurricular activities, in implementing this policy.
The System requires that all students report to school, extracurricular activities and competitive events without any alcohol or illegal or mind altering substances in their systems. No Activity Student shall use alcohol or other mood altering substances while participating in any extracurricular activities or competitive events or while under the care and supervision of the school system. Further, outside conduct of a substance abuse‑related nature which affects an Activity Student's athletic, academic or other extracurricular performance.
Activity Students must inform their faculty sponsor, coach, assistant coach or the designated school representative when they are legitimately taking medication which may affect their ability to practice, compete or participate in other extracurricular activity, in order to avoid creating safety problems and violating this policy.
In order to enforce these rules, the System reserves the right to require all Activity Students to submit, at any time prior to, during or following an extracurricular activity or while under the supervision or care of this school system, to drug and/or alcohol tests to determine the presence of prohibited substances.
Pursuant to System policy and regulations, a student applying to participate in an extracurricular activity, or Activity Student (defined as any student, male or female, who is a member of any school-sponsored extracurricular activity program or a student who is provided the privilege of operating a private motor vehicle on School property for the purpose of parking) may be tested prior to beginning the activity of their choice. All current Activity Students may be required to undergo testing at scheduled physical examinations, and/or where the School has reasonable suspicion to believe an Activity Student has violated its Alcohol and Drug Policy, and/or on a random basis without advance notice. Parents of non-Activity Students may opt their children into the program. For this policy, these students will be titled as Volunteer Students.
This policy will be applied to Activity Students and Volunteer Students at the high school (Grades 9-12) levels.
Violation of these rules, including testing positive, will subject the Activity Student to discipline, including suspension from student athletic or other extracurricular activities and/or forfeiture of parking privileges. Refusal to cooperate with the School in any test investigation will result in discipline, including immediate suspension from participating in extracurricular activities.