Students who go to high schools in the Tuscaloosa City Schools have the opportunity to go to college for free.
Tuscaloosa City School students who are in grades 10-12th grades are eligible to apply for dual enrollment classes at The University of Alabama, Shelton State Community College or Stillman College and have a total of up to 12 credit hours paid for through the City of Tuscaloosa ELEVATE funding, which devotes $765,000 a year toward dual enrollment opportunities within the city. The credit hours can count toward both high school and college credit, depending on the courses selected.
“This is giving an opportunity to those who wouldn’t normally have it,” said Andrea Markham, the coordinator of post-secondary engagement for the Tuscaloosa City Schools.
In addition to the class tuition, books and fees are also covered by the ELEVATE funding. Classes can be offered either virtually or in person, and summer dual enrollment courses are also an option.
Enrollment in the program is ongoing. The school counselors can help students with the needed paperwork. They can also click the links on this page to find out more information about the participating institutions. To enroll, students must be in a city high school at least one year prior to taking courses, be in good standing and have a 2.5 minimum GPA. TCS students may take more than 12 hours of dual enrollment courses, but the ELEVATE scholarship ends after 12 course hours.