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High School Families

The Tuscaloosa City Schools serves high school students in three locations: Paul W. Bryant High School, Central High School and Northridge High School. Students in grades 9-12 are provided with an assortment of opportunities to prepare them for college and or career. The Tuscaloosa City Schools offers more Advanced Placement (AP) courses than any school system in West Alabama. With the expansion of the International Baccalaureate Programme, ninth and tenth grade students are able to have a full complement of IB education throughout their high school career. 

Coursework is offered through a block schedule featuring a five-period day where students can earn up to eight Carnegie units per academic year. In the state of Alabama, 24 Carnegie units are required for graduation. 

Students attend school Monday-Friday from 8:25 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.


Kelly Norstrom
Director of College & Career Readiness


Student Resources